European Big History Network

Big History in Europe

Books for teaching big history at secondary school level made by our members

Frasassi - La Piccola Grande Storia delle Grotte - Pedagogia, Terra, Vita, Umanità (eBook)
Frasassi - The Little Big History of the Caves - Pedagogy, Earth, Life, Humanity
An example of the method of Local Big History
by Alessandro Montanari and Gaia Pignocchi, introduction on pedagogy by Adalberto Codetta Raiteri.

The ebook is free and can be downloaded from here. The Download link is in the yellow box on the lower right of the page: GROTTE DI FRASASSI - eBook. It is in Italian and meant to be used by secondary school teachers. It includes illustrations, movies, suggestions and references for teachers and researchers; chapter 3 Humanity is the largest, starting with the KT boundary. 

La scienza del pianeta Terra - Dal Big Bang all'Antropocene
The Science of Planet Earth - From the Big Bang to the Anthropocene
by Giovanni Grieco, Andrea Giovanni Grieco, Anna Elisabetta Merlini, Marina Porta

The book is in Italian and can be purchased from here.

Big History  by Constance van Hall. The book is in Dutch and can be purchased here.